Altar Guild, Saint Monica's Guild
The Altar Guild of the Church of the Redeemer was officially named "Saint Monica's Guild on January 21, 1960, after an unanimous vote of the members. Saint Monica was selected to be the patroness of the Altar Guild because of her wonderful example in praying persistently for the conversion of her son, Augustine, to Christianity. Augustine was eventually baptized by Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, on Easter Sunday, 387.
The Altar Guild at Redeemer, Saint Monica's Guild, works primarily behind the scenes to make worship at Redeemer a meaningful experience for all who attend services. This involves planning of altar decoration, preparation of the elements and vessels in Eucharist, and cleaning and maintenance of items used.
Acolytes are a vital part of our service, from carrying the cross or torch to assisting with the altar setting.
Eucharistic Ministers
Anyone that is called to this ministry must be trained and registered with the diocese. Contact Deacon Sherrill with questions.
Get Acquainted Groups
The Get Acquainted Groups are made up of 3-4 couples or individuals who get together approximately once a month. The host generally provides the main course, and others bring a side dish, or the group may decide to go out to eat. The Get Acquainted Groups are strictly social, with lots of fun that allows you to become better acquainted with your fellow "Redeemerites".
Liturgical Commission
The Liturgical Commission is comprised of representatives from the Altar Guild, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Musicians, Choir and Church School who meet with Father Joe to plan liturgy. There are members representing both the 8:00 and 10:30 services. An additional function of these meetings is to facilitate communication between all the ministries involved in order to create a meaningful and spirit-filled worship experience. Meetings are held three or four times a year as needed, usually preceding Lent, Easter and Christmas.
Prayer Chain
Do you ever find yourself thinking, "I really wish I had someone to talk to, to listen to me or pray for my needs?” Well, Redeemer can fulfill that desire for you. We have a group of about 25 who will respond to that need immediately following your request. Sometimes this group is a part of many such prayer chains from different churches across the country. That in itself can be comforting.
"Soil" Mates
It takes a lot of work to keep the church building, House of Prayer, and the property.
Endeavor to to honor God and our church by providing a creative outlet for those with good sewing skills to be part of a group with common goals and values by making specific quilt patterns in colors as directed by those wishing a hand-quilted piece. Members donate their time and talent toward quality work sold for the betterment of the church and its members.
Meet Tuesdays at 10am in The House of Prayer. Contact Ellie Forbes, EleanorF2345@aol.com.
The Ushers are here to greet everyone at the 10:30 service.
Get together for fellowship and brewing beer.