Meet our new rector, Rev. Miranda Cully.
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Pledge Card
An Invitation
Dear Redeemer Family,
As Fall envelops around us, we are all reminded of the blessings bestowed upon us even in the face of unexpected transitions. At Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, there is a bounty of faith and energy to share our love of God with each other. The collective energy and optimism present among us is the common thread that continues to make Redeemer the most special of places and producer of the unique alchemy that comprises our faith community. Everything is and everyone is connected on a common path and faith journey.
Over the past ten (10) years the Vestry has carefully managed a small surplus of funds from the last capital campaign to address maintenance, plumbing and HVAC infrastructure needs in the main Church building and grounds, and the House of Prayer. I am happy to report that these funds, along with donations, allows us to keep our properties in good and safe working order. Minor improvements and property management and maintenance necessities will continue in 2024. To that end, the Finance Committee – now discussing a 2024 budget-- is tasked with increasing the maintenance budget to replace the now-exhausted Capital Campaign temporary restricted fund and to increase budget funding for this purpose.
Our planned budget will address ongoing costs related to snow-related maintenance and garden maintenance, which are anticipated to increase in the next seasons. Our work in the Memorial Garden will continue in 2024 with the use of generous, designated legacy gifts in memory of departed parishioners as well as additional temporary restricted funds and gifts.
In 2024, we hope our journey leads to a new faith leader, greater insight into our missions outside our church walls; and the opportunity to begin dreaming of an expansion of our congregation, its good works, and all that makes it special. The reality is that these dreams must be anticipated in our Parish’s finances. All of us are all to well aware of increased costs in nearly everything we do. Redeemer is not isolated from this reality, and the Finance Committee also will be asked by me as Senior Warden to recommend an overall increase of five (5%) to the Church’s 2024 operating budget.
The process of budgeting is conducted by the Church’s Finance Committee. This Committee confers among its members and the Vestry; studies the prior year’s budget and drafts a proposed budget after it reviews the pledge commitments made by our parishioners in November. The draft budget is delivered to the Vestry in late December or early January and Vestry discusses and votes to accept or revise the draft budget. After Vestry approval of a final product, the congregation is asked to vote an approval of the deliberated, proposed budget at the annual budget meeting in mid-January, 2024.
In this month of ingathering, your Vestry is asking you to discern the gifts you can bestow on your congregation in 2024 -- gifts of time, talent and treasure. Your gifts of time and talent can come in the way of volunteering for or taking leadership in one of our many ministries and gifts of treasure in the form of an annual pledge. By making an annual pledge you are helping the Finance Committee establish a budget that the Vestry can rely upon next year. In order to fully fund our budget and its’ increases, we need and are asking our parishioners to make, renew and, when possible, increase annual pledges to Redeemer. In considering your pledge, please know:
No pledge is too small.
Every pledge matters and makes a significant difference to Redeemer.
Whatever amount you pledge, it is our wish that this gift is made joyfully with gratitude in your heart.
Delivery of your annual pledge commitment is appreciated not later than November 19, 2023 to allow the Finance Committee to prepare the 2024 budget. Delivery can be made by dropping off the enclosed card at the Redeemer Office, online at our website, or at our ingathering service on Nov. 19, 2023. Only one form of delivery is necessary.
In closing, I share with you this prayer of Thanksgiving by Kelli Mahoney:
Thank you, Lord, for the blessings you have bestowed on my life. You have provided me with more than I could ever have imagined. You have surrounded me with people who always look out for me. You have given me family and friends who bless me every day with kind words and actions. They lift me up in ways that keep my eyes focused on you and make my spirit soar.
Also, thank you, Lord, for keeping me safe. You protect me from those things that seem to haunt others. You help me make better choices and provide me with advisors to help me with life’s difficult decisions. You speak to me in so many ways so that I always know you are here.
And Lord, I am so grateful for keeping those around me safe and loved. I hope that you provide me with the ability and sense to show them every day how much they matter. I hope that you give me the ability to give to them the same kindness they have provided to me.
I am extremely grateful for all of your blessings in my life, Lord. I pray that you remind me of just how blessed I am and that you never allow me to forget to show my gratitude in prayer and returned acts of kindness.
Thank you, Lord.
Yours in Christ,
Jen Snider, Sr. Warden
If you submit on this form, please do not duplicate your pledge using a paper form submitted at the church. Either option (paper or virtual) will get the information to the right place.