There are many opportunities for parishioners to be involved in outreach. If you prayerfully feel drawn to one of these special organizations, your contribution, be it prayer, financial, or volunteering time and/or talents is welcome and needed. Please contact any of the outreach committee members to help assist you if needed. If you have an organization you would like us to add to the list, please share that information as well (organization’s name, purpose, address, and contact information).
Random Acts of Kindness
We would like to know how you have participated in outreach. When Jesus said, "Don’t let your right hand know what your left hand is doing” he was asking us to minister to those in need but not be boastful. However we do want to know what great things are happening in our community. If you have provided your own outreach to a person or group, please anonymously share it with us. If you have been the recipient of someone’s outreach, please share that as well. We say
"the presence of the Lord is in this place.” This is one way to illustrate it.
Northland Infant Clothing Center (NICC)
The first Sunday of each month we collect non-perishable food items for
the Southern Platte Emergency Assistance Center. We provide "green bags” to the members to encourage purchasing items for this ministry.
819 Main Street
Parkville, MO
(816) 746-1057
South Platte Emergency Assistance Center (SPEAC)
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Rector's Discretionary Fund
The Rector’s Discretionary Fund is used be the clergy to address needs among congregation and community members. The Canon of the National Church refers to these as "charitable and pious purposes”. Payments for food, rent, utilities, medical bills and the like for persons in need are typical uses of these funds. Support may also be given to charitable organizations consistent with compassionate ministry to the poor. Expenditures from the discretionary fund are confidential and are audited.
The outreach committee does provide some assistance to community organizations through our monthly outreach, but we would like to recognize those organizations our parishioners feel need support:
- Care Of Poor People - COPP INC, Care of Poor People is a 501c non-profit group that was founded over 20 years ago by Richard Tripp, who is formerly homeless himself. Mr. Tripp, along with help from volunteers works to help the poor and homeless of the Kansas City Metro area. More
City Union Mission – City Union Mission founded in 1924, has provided warm beds, nutritious food, and a place of safety for thousands of poverty-stricken and homeless men, women and children. City Union Mission receives no government support and is not a United Way Agency. More
Collaboration Works – Collaboration works was created as a brokerage/distribution service of medical supplies, medical goods, and equipment. This service is available to caregivers, seniors, and individuals with special needs. More
Episcopal Relief & Development (Headquarters) – Episcopal Relief and Development works with Church partners and other local organizations to save lives and transform communities worldwide. More
Gideons International - The Gideons International is an interdenominational association of Christian business and professional men who are dedicated to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ by the distribution of God’s Word in more than 190 countries. More
Kansas City Community Kitchen - The Kansas City Community Kitchen is sponsored by Episcopal Community Service and is located at 8th and Paseo. This organization feeds the homeless and those working who need assistance. More
Kansas City Rescue Mission – KCRM is a Christ-centered outreach program that has focused on serving the poor and homeless in Kansas City since 1950. The men’s program helps in 3 different situations: (1) provides most basic human needs; (2) 6 months addiction management; and (3) a transitional living community. More
Northland Assistance Center - The NAC is a faith and community-based organization providing emergency assistance services to Northland families living in Clay or Platte Counties in Missouri. More
Project Elder Cool – Project Elder Cool was established in 2000 by The Bishop Sullivan Center. Kansas City’s summers can be unbearable and even dangerous for indigent elderly people. More
Rose Brooks Center – Rose Brooks Center provides emergency shelter to women and children escaping life-threatening abuse. Once they are safe, these families receive the tools and resources they need to begin rebuilding their life. More
The Salvation Army Kansas & Western Missouri Division- One of the many things the Salvation Army does is to provide food boxes (approximately 5,000). www.salarmymokan.org More
Swope Health Northland – Swope Health Services improves the well-being of individuals and families by delivering quality comprehensive physical and behavioral health care services; More
UPLIFT ORGANIZATION- Uplift is a volunteer driven outreach program committed to feeding and clothing the Kansas City area’s homeless. The organization is funded totally by the local donations of financial and material resources.